What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our production "Deceit" is an independent low budget thriller which would attract a niche audience. It conveys the dark noir themes of disillusionment, pessimism, and cynicism through a late teenage-based plot. YouTube provides a platform for people to share videos and receive feedback from around the world. It is a very popular tool for getting known, especially for aspiring music artists. Most movies share their previews on YouTube first because the site is so effective in receiving an audience. We are distributing our thriller openings through YouTube for those reasons, and because it's a very easy process. YouTube allows us to upload our own videos, edit them, like or share ones we like, create playlist and much more. It is a great gateway to enter the music, film, or journalism industry. Facebook is also a successful platform because it's such a popular social networking site. It is very similar to YouTube, but more personal. We would create a page for our film, and release the preview, photos and talk to people that enjoy our film. This would benefit us because we could quickly build a fan-base, and market our film.

Cinema City is currently showing a sci-fi horror, thriller drama, Jonathan Glazer's "Under the Skin" that is similar to ours because its confidently powerful female lead, sinister soundtrack, traditionally dimly lit imagery, disturbing ambience and UK based location.
Scarlett Johansson plays a femme fatale in this film, driving a battered old van around Scotland, exploring the theme of abduction and death.
Cinema City has also exhibited low budget films about troubled individuals such as "Dead Man's Shoes" which is a revenge thriller, "Somers Town" that is a coming of age film, the crime drama "Animal Kingdom", and the social realist film "Fish Tank". These films have central young characters which is a prime factor in our production.

The Belcourt is currently showing Denis Villeneuve's "Enemy" which is a hypnotically surreal psychological thriller that is has the generic thriller dimly lit scenes, conventional soundtrack, and typical thriller locations.
Jake Gyllenhaal demonstrates the use of the thriller tinted lighting, and the location of a hotel room.

Winter's Bone is an independent American film that was released at more than several different film festivals, for example in: Germany, Canada, Australia, France, Sweden, the UK, and many more. We both use youthful female leads and the location of a comfortable suburban household to enhance our twisted plots.
Film 4 is produces independent films such as "How I Live Now" and "Starred Up". Both of these have teenage leads that are thrown into adult situations, forcing them to mature before they're actually ready. "Hoe I Live Now" resembles our production very closely by having the strong female steer the movie, and the use of the suburban house with a doomsday plot.

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