This first video is some of our first rough footage that immediately shows things that weren't quite right. We only filmed the outside parts on this shoot so the beginning and the ending is all we had. The lighting was too bright, my camera lens was dirty, the car was facing the wrong way, there was no sound of struggle when Emilie gets attacked, the shots were too short, and the zooming wasn't very good. The shot of the Emilie being in a broken bath tub was too random and added a comedic factor so we had to cut that. In addition, our cliffhanger wasn't strong enough so we got suggested a more interesting one.
This second video is a darker shoot, which was almost completely unusable because it was too dark and created continuity errors. My camera isn't able to shoot well in dark conditions, but the school's cameras captured the footage a little better with lack of light so we used another camera since we had to re-film everything again.
Well done nature for evaluating the raw footage you didn't use. The shots are strong but lighting was a problem.