Sunday, 26 January 2014

Case Study: Kill Bill

  • In the beginning of this, I say "Kill Bill 1 Chapter 2" which isn't correct, I meant to to say "Kill Bill Volume 1".

1 comment:

  1. You have presented an interesting video and have splendidly explained how directors pay tribute to each other by using inter textual referenced that challenge traditional conventions of the thriller genre. Tarantino, David Lynch and Peter Weir are all looking at trouble in USA suburbia by presenting a chocolate box images of neat houses and gardens then reveal what is happening as you say "behind closed doors". Also effective references to "Animal Kingdom" , "LA Confidential and "LA Noir".

    One small revision which you could add in a written explanation, the screen shots Kill Bill are from the opening to "Kill Bill Volume 1" not "Kill Bill Volume 2".

    Well done Nature for uploading videoing your case studies.
