Name: Nature Wesby
GCSE Results: I didn't take any because we don't do those in the USA.
photo/videography, surfing the web (Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook) listening to music (Indie & House), and watching a movie or TV show. Media interests: movies, TV shows, blogging, video dairies, and poems.
Print Media: I'm not in to newspapers, but I do enjoy a good magazine (Glamour or Elle) now and then. The only news I actually watch is from MTV. They usually cover what I'm interested in, whether it's about artists or breaking news, or even just something to bring a laugh. Sometimes I do come across news on the internet, and I prefer that because it's readily available. You don't have to worry about catching/missing it on TV.

Radio Media:
the radio is usually my last resort for info or entertainment but BBC radio 1 works out okay until they start playing annoying songs that you can't believe anyone honestly likes repeatedly. I like when they broadcast from the live lounge, have famous guests, and the talk shows/segments are usually funny. I used to listen to 107.5 The River, which is like the American version of BBC.
Music Industry: I can listen to almost anything and have a good time, but I enjoy a range of indie (The xx, Death Cab for Cutie, Local Natives), rock (Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys), and house music (Skrillex, Deadmau5, Bar 9). I access most of my music on the internet. Illegal downloading isn't that a big deal to me because like many other things in life, music should be free. If anything artists should make their money from concerts, merchandise, and other media outlets. I like to buy music, feel like a good citizen, and be all official when I have money to spare, but it really starts to add up after a while. We aspire to be like the artists who make music that makes us feel amazing because we're always trying to find ways to connect. So we react to the music we like through our attitudes, style, and even beliefs to feel connected.
Video Games:
I don't play video games anymore, but Grand Theft Auto used to be my favorite. That game is a perfect example of possible negative effects. In violent games like that, you're allowed to get all your negativity out, but at the same time it makes you think or act more harshly than if you weren't exposed to them. Modern games are all about destroying your problems physically with guns, regular strength, or super powers. The whole fun is due mostly to control, and sadly the real world just doesn't work like that. By playing these games, people separate themselves so far from reality that they don't know how to deal with their problems in a healthy way.
New Tech:
I have a love hate relationship with new tech, because it has helped us so much but also greatly pulled us apart. It's fun and exciting! There is always something new happening, and our minds are occupied more than ever. Everything is so accessible that we lose our drive to do anything besides just existing. With new tech, I feel that we all have our special little shiny toy to hold on to. It's makes us feel powerful, cool, and in with life, but it's basically just another distraction from reality. I don't think it has helped us understand the world much better, though. I, and so many other people are still lost and confused about the world we live in.
E4, MTV, & Cartoon network, are the channels I watch the most. I've grown up with cartoon network, MTV & E4 have just gradually become my go to channels for entertainment. I watch dramas usually, just escape into a life I don't live. My top five memorable shows are 90210, Family Guy, One Tree Hill, The Voice, and Degrassi.
Feature films: Drama is my fave genre, because it's the one that draws in my emotion most, and what they can do to you amazes me. Transformers(Revenge of the Fallen), Inception, Avatar, Limitless, Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Titanic are outstanding films. I prefer to see films in the cinema because the experience is the best there. My fave cinema is Opri Mills in Nashville, TN. It's better to enjoy a film with at least another person to compare your thoughts. I haven't done any construction of media production.
I can't think of a media text that has directly offended or interested me, but most things that are racist, sexist, and violent offend me. I have to admit, I occasionally find humor in some of it, but that's inevitable. The shows Skins, Degrassi, and the movie Chasing Mavericks have altered my thoughts on the world. Films are a good way to get messages across. I would want to express the basic fact that we are all basically the same, and why we should all learn to accept and embrace that. I chose Media studies because it's really interesting, and a possible career choice. I really enjoy all things related to films and technology so I thought this would be a good class to take.
Some helpful film clips but sound has not been uploaded. You need to look into this, Mr Seal should be able to advise. I'm sure you'll enjoy the course which will help you to develop your ideas.